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Figure Shinjia takes first place overall in Junior Grand Prix qualifying

Figure Shin Jia tops overall at Junior Grand Prix Trials

Figure skating women’s singles prospect Shin Jia topped the all-around standings at the International Ice Skating Federation’s 2023 Junior Grand Prix Delegate Selection Trials. Yesterday (23rd), Shin won the women’s single free skate with a technical score of 73.14 and an artistic score of 66.34 for a total of 139.48 points, adding to 스포츠토토존 her short program score of 69.32 points earned the previous day for a total of 208.8 points. This earned her two spots in the Junior Grand Prix Series. At the qualification, Shin Jia performed a new program she worked on with David Wilson, known for his choreography of Kim Yeon-ah, and performed clean for the second consecutive day.

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