Liv Sandbox 2023 Roster
Tae-yoon “Bardol” Noh
(JUG) Kim “Willer” Jung-hyun
(MID) Lee ‘Closer’ Ju-hyun
(BOT) ‘Envy’ Myeong-jun Lee
(SUP) Jin-hong ‘Kael’ Kim

Last year, the Reeb Sandbox had a really hot summer, adding a lot of fun and excitement to the league as the ‘game-changing underdogs’ that no one expected. Who would have thought that the ninth-ranked team in the spring would do a 180-degree turnaround after adding a one-dimensional player, and a player who had just taken a break.

On the contrary, the winter was colder than ever. Two aces left the team: Croco, the center of the snowball, and Prince, the game-winning finisher. Dove, who looked to be a franchise star, also ended his contract early. In addition, Closer and Kael, who were still under contract, were rumored to be on the transfer market. It was one of the teams that showed the reality of the cold transfer market.

Luckily, Closer and Kael stayed with the team, and Liv Sandbox was able to put the pieces together around them. The roster is now Bardol, Willer, Closer, Envy, and Kael. It’s not fair to say that we filled the vacant spots well, as all three of the players we signed (or re-signed) had pretty rough years.

‘Bardol’ is a former T1 Rookies player who debuted for Genji in 2021 and moved to Damwon Kia (now DePlus Kia) the following year. Much was expected of him as he traveled the so-called elite route, but the LCK proved to be a higher bar than expected. He struggled throughout the spring of the 2022 season and had to face a lot of criticism and harsh words, eventually giving way to the returning Jang “Raccoon” Ha-kwon in the summer.

Envy’s situation is similar. After spending the 2021 season in the Genji Challengers, Envy moved to the Reveal Sandbox with bot duo Kael to fulfill his dream of making his debut. However, their success was mixed. Unlike Kael, who received a passing grade, Envy soon lost his starting spot to Yoon “Ice” Sang-hoon, and didn’t play a single game in the summer when Prince “Prince” came in.

The one movie I’m more excited about than worried about is Willer. In fact, ‘Willer‘ received pretty good reviews on his debut. He burst onto the scene at the end of the 2021 season, when Hanwha Life Esports was in a slump, and was recognized for his potential by showing solid fundamentals, team game ability, and flexible operations. However, in the 2022 season, he barely got a chance to play.

The lack of a veteran or anchor player is also a factor that lowers the team’s objective strength rating. It should be obvious by now that a team needs a leader to bring the team together, both on and off the field, in order to perform well. To fulfill this role, they usually need to fulfill two conditions. Experience and natural leadership.

However, there are currently no players in the LIV sandbox who fulfill both of these requirements. Most of them don’t have a lot of experience and are young. The fastest debut is Closer, who entered the LCK in the summer of 2020, after his 17th birthday. Even then, he was always in a position to compete for a starting spot, and it wasn’t until the 2022 season when he moved to Live Sandbox that he got his first full starting role.

This makes the quality of the coaching staff even more important, which is still a question mark. This is Yoo “Ryu” Sang-wook’s first time leading a first-team team, and Kim “Lin” Da-bin has yet to make an impact. Both players and coaches have a year to prove themselves. On top of that, the data analytics and feedback that the organization is pushing for will also need to show results.

In the end, the fate of the Liv Sandbox this season rests on potential. The “expected value” of the players must be translated into “actual value” in order to achieve the desired results. 토토사이트 It remains to be seen whether the young players’ ambition and determination to prove their worth will be the spark that ignites an unexpected explosion, or whether they will lose their way and be wrecked like a ship without a captain.

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