K-pop boy group Seventeen poses for photographers at the 38th Golden Disc Awards ceremony in Jakarta, Jan. 6. Courtesy of the 38th Golden Disc Awards ceremony's organizer

Boy group Seventeen and girl group New Jeans have secured top honors in the album and digital song categories at this year’s Golden Disc Awards, one of the most prestigious awards in the K-pop industry. Seventeen claimed the Album of the Year award for its 11th EP “FML” at the 38th Golden Disc Awards ceremony in Jakarta on Saturday (local time).The group took home four trophies, including two main prizes (Bonsang) in the album and digital song divisions, as well as another main prize awarded to its unit BSS in the digital song section. “We have always told ourselves that we should run toward the peak. We’re honored and feel great as receiving this feels like reaching the ultimate peak,” member Mingyu said after his group received the grand prize.

“We’ll do our best so we can be a hope to many people,” Seungkwan said. “We’ll work harder to the point where we ask ourselves if we should work this hard and will continue to do music stupidly, honestly and passionately. “New Jeans won Best Digital Song for its megahit song “Ditto.” “We’re grateful every time we perform on stage for many people who like and listen to our music and are with us,” member Haerin said in the group’s acceptance speech. “We’ll continue to keep delivering more songs like these, so please enjoy them with the same passion. “The Rookie Artist Award went to boy group Zerobaseone and 카지노사이트킹 Fifty Fifty, the girl group that gained global attention with its hit single “Cupid.

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